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Vishnu  namashtakam

(The eight names of Vishnu)


From Vamana Purana


Translated by



1.Achyutham, Kesavam  , Vishnum  , Hari  , Sathyam,  Janardhanam,

Hamsam  Narayanam  chaiva methan namashtakam padeth


1.He who does not slip , He in whom Lords  Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma reside ,

He who is peace  ,  He who removes  birth and death cycle,

He who is the truth  , He who troubles bad people ,

He who in the state of Hamsa , He who resides in all things 

If one reads these    eight  names.

   *sleep, dream, wakefulness   and Hamsa are the four states.


2.Trisandhyam  ya  paden nithyam  , daridryam thasya nasyathi ,

Sathru sainyam kshayam yaathi , Duswapna  Sukhadho Bhaveth.


If this is daily read in the dawn , noon and dusk , his poverty would be destroyed,

The enemy army would get weakened    and  Bad dreams   would give good results.


3.Gangayaam maranam   chaiva  , druda bhakthisthu Kesave  ,

Brahma Vidhya prabodascha  thasmad nithyam paden nara.


He who reads it daily would get    death in the   Ganges  ,

Have stable  faith in Kesava  and would  be a master  of Brahma vidhya.