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Siva , Siva ,Siva




Saint Tyagaraja


Translated by




Ragam: Panthuvarali

Talam: Adi





Shiva Shiva Shiva Yena raadaa ?

Bhava bhaya Baadhala Nanachukoraadaa ?




1. Kaamaadula Dega Kosi   para-

Bhamala parula Dhanamula Rosi

Paamara tvamu Nedabaasi  ati-

Nema muto Bilvarcchana chesi


2.Sajjana ganamula ganchi ori mujjagadhi  shivarulanu mati nenchi,

Lajjadhuladolagincha  thana hrid jalamunanuta poojinchi


3. Agamamula Nutiyinchi ,bahu-

Baguleni Bhashalu Chalinchi

Bhaagavatu latho Poshinchi  ,vara-

Tyagaraaja Sannutudani Yenchi,


English translation




Can you not keep chanting Shiva, Shiva, Shiva,

And get rid of problems of life and fears.




1. After cutting out lust and passion,

After leaving attraction for other’s women and wealth,

After leaving out the life of simple ignorance,

With great diligence worship Shiva with Bilwa leaves.


2. After seeking the company of good people,

And worshipping them as Lord Shiva of the three worlds,

After completely leaving out shyness,

With great devotion worship the god in the lotus of your heart,


3. After learning Vedas and,

After avoiding speech which is not good

After spending time with learned men,

Tell the names of Shiva, who is worshipped by Thyagaraja.