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Nagalinga Maheswaram




Jaya  Chama Raja wodayar


Raga Shankarabharanam

Tala Thisra jampa




Nagalinga maheswaram  bhaja manasa sathatham


Anu Pallavi


Nagarajadhi  bhaktha SAnkarabharanayutham

Nagathmaja sahitham , Agasthyamuni sampoojitham,

Naga charmambara yutham  Agamadhi suviditham.




Indradi sakala sura santoshakaram  parathparam,

Sundara vadanam pranatha  sajjanarti haram varam,

Indrakshi lalitha  Tripura Sundari manoharam ,

Sudheendranutha  Sri Vidhya maha mantreswaram.


English translation




Oh mind,  always  worship , The great God Nagalinga




Who  wears the king of snakes  as the  the ornament of Shankara,

Who is worshipped by sage Agasthya along with serpents,

Who wears the skin of snake and is praised by Vedas.




Who is the divine one  who makes Indras and all devas happy,

Who has a pretty face , who destroys the pride of good people,

Who worship him and blesses them , Who  steals the mind of,

Indarkshi, Lalitha  and Tripura Sundari, and is the great God,

Of Sri Vidhya   and is praised  by Sudheendra.