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Sayi Tere Naam Amritha Samaan

(Oh Sayi , your name is like nectar)

Ragam  :               Chandrakauns                                                   Thalam    :            Adhi


Composed by


Professer B. Ramamoorthy Rao


Translated by







Sayi tere naam amritha samaan

Baba tere darshan swarga saman                                                                             (Sayi)


Oh Sayi , your name is like nectar

Oh Baba, seeing you is like seeing heaven.




Athma jnan diya anand sayi

Bhoga sukh diya naga sayi                                                                                            (Sayi)


The joyful Sai gave us knowledge of the soul ,

The serpent Sai has given us enjoyable comfort.




Dwaru khada tere dwaraka mayi

Bhav rag aushadh babakey dhuni

Keerthan mey suna babakey dwani

Sakala dharm yek thu maani

Jyothi jagaya yismay pani

Krishna das prabhu thu hey jnani                                                                              (Sayi)


I stood at the gate of your Dwaraka Mayi,

Baba’s ash is the medicine for disease of birth and death,

I heard the sound of Baba in the music,

You considered all temples as the same,

And lit the flame of lamp using water,

Krishana dasa is wise because of you, my lord.