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Nachatha Nachatha Ayi Sarasvathi

(Dancing, dancing came Saraswathi)

Ragam :           Yaman                                                 Thalam    :       Adhi


Composed  by


Professer B. Ramamoorthy Rao


Translated by







Nachatha Nachatha Ayi Sarasvathi

Gavatha gavatha Su-Madhura gana                                                   (Nachatha)


Dancing and Dancing came Saraswathi,

Singing and singing pure sweet music




Bolatha Sundara Mukhusey Vedha

Brahmma Purimey Sabu milu gaya                                                    (Nachatha)


By telling with the pretty face ,

Everything would be achieved,

In the Vedic city of Brahma.




Sathu Suranu Milu Sathu Tharumey

Madhyama Tharaka Sapthaka Surumey

Omkaara Nadhasey naradha gaye

Krishna Dasajana Milukaru gaye                                                        (Nachatha)


The seven notes will make me reach you,

when sung in the three octaves,

Narada sang with the sound of “Om”,

And all the Krishnadasas also joined and sang.