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Naada Roopa Mayi

Ragam :           Mishra Bhimplas                                             Thalam    :       Kerva


Composed  by


Professer B. Ramamoorthy Rao


Translated by







Shvetha dweepa nivasini shwetha spatika mala darini

Shvetha padmasini

Sarvam barhmamayam jagath

Nadamayi sharada shadja madyama

Grama sancharini

Sri Chandra sekhara bharathi manollasini

Sringeri peeta nivasini

Jagadamba sri saradamba twam namasthe


My salutations  to you, oh goddess of Universe, Sharadambha,

Who lives in the white island , who wears a garland of white crystals,

Who sits on a white lotus,

All the world is pervaded with Brahmam,

Oh Sharada who is pervaded with music,

Who travels properly in between shadja,

Who makes the mind of Chandra Shekara Bharathi happy,

And who lives In Sringeri Peeta,




Nadha roopa mayi saraswathi

Sama veda mayi sharada                                                                               (Nadha roopa)


Oh Saraswathi who is the personification of music,

Oh Sharada who is pervaded with Sama Veda.





Modha bharitha brahma jaganmayi

Mandha hasitha Madura gaanamayi                                                 (Nadha roopa)


She who is everywhere in the Brahma loka filled with joy,

She who with a soft smile sings sweetly.




Sarvam shabdha brahma mayam

Viswam veena Taranga mayam

Hreemkara jenkara krutha sangeetham

Thumburu narada krutha pari poorana

Sri Krishnadasa Madura gana mayam                                                           (Nadha roopa)


Everything is pervaded with the sound of Brahma,

The world is full of sound waves of Veena,

The music is made of the sounds of Hreem and Jen,

Which is made fully complete by Thumburu and Narada,

And is full of sweet music of Krishna dasa