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Janaki Pathe

Papa Nasam Sivan

Translated by

Ragam: Kharaharapriya 
Talam: Adi

Janaki pathe , jaya Karunya jaladhe,
Jaya Kausalyananda vardhana,
Jagadhabirama, Pattabhirama.

Deena janavana, dhrutha kara kanakana,
Dhasaratha thanaya, aganitha guna gana.

Guha, Jatayu, shabhari , pramukha nija bhaktha jana, mukthi dayaka
Jagadahitha Viradha, khabhanda nisachara nikra nishidana sayaka ,
Saroruha Charana, nikida Vali, dasa vadana , sura mani sajjana palaka,
Sakala mahidendra, neela mani nibha sareera, Pahi saketha nayaka, sri

English meaning.

Oh Lord of Janaki victory to you , Sea of mercy victory to you,
Oh world bewitching crowned king Rama ,
Who increases the happiness of Kausalya.

Oh saviour of the oppressed who wears in his hand an armlet,
Who is the son of Dasratha and who is blessed with innumerable good qualities.

Oh God who gave salvation to his true great devotees like Guha, Jatayu and Shabhari,
Oh god who killed the night travelers like Viradha, Khabhanda for the good of the world,
Oh God whose feet is like a lotus pond, Oh God who killed Vali and the ten headed one,
And looked after sages and good people, Oh protector of devas and Indra ,
Oh Lord of Ayodhya who is having body like blue gem , please protect us.