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Sthirathaa nahi nahi re


Sthirathaa nhi, nahi re,



Sadashiva Brahmendra


 Translated by



Ragam Punnaga varali

Thalam Aadhi




Sthirathaa nahi, nahi re, manasa, Sthirathaa nahi, nahi re




 1.Thaapa thraya sagara magnaanaam, Darpa ahankara vilagnaanaam.


2.Vishaya pasa veshtitha chithaanaam, Vipareetha jnana vimathaanaam.


3.Parama hamsa yoga virudhaanaam, Bahu chanchala thara sukha sidhaanaam.


English meaning




Oh mind , stability is not there, is not there, Satbility is not there, not there.




 1.Those who are drowned in the three types of suffering, Are those who who are drowned in haughtiness and egotism.


 2.Those whose mind is caught by the attraction towards wealth, Are those with opposite wisdom and are the ofended ones.


 3.Those who are against the Yoga of great sages, Are the saints with very ever shifting pleasures.