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Akhilandeswaryai Namasthe



Muthuswami Deekshithar


Translated by



Ragam Aarabhi

Thalam  Adhi



Akhilandeswaryai Namasthe  ,

Animadhi  sidhieeswaryai  Namasthe



I salute the goddess of the universe,

I salute  The Goddess of occult powers like  Anima.



Nikhilagama   sannutha vardhayai , nirvikarayai  , nithya mukthayai  ,

SAmsara bheethi bhanjanayai  , sarad chandrika Sheethalayai ,

Sagara Mekhalayai  , Tripurayai



She who blesses  all those who are devotes of all Vedas , who  does not change ,

who gives salvation daily,

Who destroys the fear for domestic life, aho is as cool as the autumn moon,

Who has the oceans as her girdle   and who is the three cities.



TRilokya mohana chakreswaryai , prakata  yoginyai,

Nalinyai  , Parandhama  prakeerthanyai,

SArva sapa paripooraka chakreswaryai, guptha  yoginyai,

Srva samkshobhana  chakreswaryai  , guptha thara  yoginyai,

SArva Sowbhahya chakreswaryai , sampradhaya yoginyai  ,

SArvartha  sadhaka chakreswaryai  , kulotheerna yoginyai,

Sarva rakshakara  chakreswaryai   nigarbha yoginyai,

SArva Roga   hara chakreswaryai   rahasya yoginyai,

Sarva Sidhipradha chakreswaryai   athirahasya yoginyai,

SArvananda maya chakreswaryai  Paraparadhi rahasya yoginyai,

Sri Chidananda nadha  guru guhayai , sadhu hrudaya sadrusa vasinyai.



Oh Goddess of the wheel of attraction  of the three worlds who is undisguised  yogini,

Oh lotus like Goddess ,who   sings about   the great divine God,

Oh Goddess  who is the goddess of the wheel of  fulfillment of everything , Who is a  guarded yogini

Oh Goddess of the wheel of great agitation , who is very guarded  Yogini,

Oh Goddess of the wheel of all fortunes, who is a traditional  yogini,

Oh Goddess  of the wheel achievement  of all needs  , who is an experienced Yogini,

Oh Goddess of the wheel of all protection , who is the yogini of interior.

Oh Goddess of the wheel of curing of all  diseases, who is a secret Yogini,

Oh Goddess of the wheel giving occult powers, who is a very secret yogini,

Oh Goddess of the wheel of all types of joy , who is a yogini secret even to the divine,

Who  lives in the heart   of sages , the divine lord  and The teacher Guha.