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Avyaja Karuna Kadakshi



Muthuswami Deekshithar


Translated by



Ragam  Salanga nata

Thalam Triputa



Avyaja Karuna murthim   , anisam  Mamava  Kamakshim

Oh Goddess who is the form of natural mercy,

You are always   my Kamakshi.


Samashti Charanam

Ravyadhi nava grahodhaye rasalanga nataka kriye,

Divyalankruthangasraye   dheenavana   guru guha  priye


Samashti Charanam

She who at the time f rising of nine planets  performs an aesthetic drama,

She who depends on decoration  with divine ornaments  , who likes the poor Guru Guha.


Madhyama Kala  Sahithyam

SAvyapa  savya margasthe   sadaa namasthe  Shuka hasthe.


Madhyama Kala Sahithyam

She who can be approached by left and right path, to you,

My salutations always, Oh Goddess   with parrot in her hand.